Snippet of Writerly Advice

More Advice from the Killer Nashville Conference

~~ Do not write and revise at the same time. 

This is MAJOR.  Writing is creative.  It uses the intuitive side of your brain.

Revision is critical.  It uses the objective side of your brain.

Creative flow is not critical flow.

Never should the twain meet.

Start saving now to attend the 2019 Killer Nashville conference, where pros meet newbies, trads meet indies, and everyone works to write the best novel possible.

Guests of Honor this year include David Morrell, writer of First Blood; Joyce Carol Oates of We Were the Mulvaneys and numerous pivotal short stories, and Alexandra Ivy, with her acclaimed writing for multiple series, including Guardians of Eternity, ARES Security, Immortal Rogues, and Sentinels.


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