Evergreen / Ever-Changing

 "The only constant is change." ~ Heraclitus.

Two years have passed since I last updated this site, and change is coming.

Until then, for Newbie Writer, please visit Writers Ink Non-Fiction,   http://writersinknonfiction.com/ . The most up-to-date posts are on the blog page, called "Learn".

On that site, you will also find a series of Poetry Analysis posts. Newbie Writer will alternate with those, both on the 5ths (5 / 15 / 25).

For information about the Edie Roones and Seasons in Sansward (and other upcoming fiction), discover my page on Writers Ink Books, https://writersinkbooks.com/

As always, contact through email is winkbooks@aol.com.

This is a great little site.

But the only constant is change.


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