Best Gift a Writer can give Herself. Himself. Everyone's self.

Over at Writers Ink Books, our publisher, their blogging about the best gift that writers can give to themselves and to others, especially newbies and wannabes and gonnabes.

How do you pick the best gift ever?

That's the search for birthdays and the holidays, isn't it?

Christmas is only 10 days way.

The resolutions for New Year's are 16 days away.

With shopping and wrapping gifts and celebrations at works and with friends and with family, we've no time left.

If you're a professional writer, what's the best gift that you can give a newbie?  Wish fulfillment.

If you're a newbie, what's the best gift that you can give yourself?  Wish fulfillment.

Yep, the answer's the same.

Click here to read.


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