New from Writers Ink Books

Writers Ink, my own publisher, is putting out two books right now. Both are exclusively available on Amazon as Kindle ebooks. The first is by my friend Remi Black, who likes fantasy with a bit of a harder edge. (I like my fantasy light, as you can tell from my More than a Wizard . I'm currently working on a sequel to that book. I gave you a sneak peek a couple of weeks ago. Look for more sneak peeks later.) Remi Black is writing the Enclave series: wizards against sorcerers, wyre against Rhoghieri, Fae against dragons. The first book dealt with the wizards and Fae fighting a sorcerer and wyre: Weave a Wizardry Web . This story has dual protagonists: A minor wizard Camisse finds herself attracted to a Fae in disguise while the great wizard Alstera struggles alone against the temptations of darker power. The second book Dream a Deadly Dream picks up with Alstera, one of Web's protagonists, trying to help a countess-in-hid...