Think like a Pro: Turning Dreams into Reality
Over at Writers Ink Books, the publishing cooperative that's my tribe, we're promoting a little writing manual called Think like a Pro , by M.A. Lee. In that little book are Seven Lessons designed to turn a hobbyist mindset into a professional mindset. Chapter One: Set Deadlines turned into four blogs: the introductory blog for the chapter, 3 Tricks for Working with Deadlines, M.A. Lee's successful journey in working through the Seven Lessons, and a "Knowing Where to Start and How to Start: Turning Dreams into Reality" blog that talks about the Three Sevens: 7 Characters, Plot 7, and 7 Work Procedures. I'm a pantster who tries to be a plotter. Truly, I would rather plot--at least I tell myself that. Then I find myself launching into a new book with little more than a few ideas. Or I plot out where I want my story to go then abandon the outline. Maybe the outline helps me write. I don't know. When life interferes...