
Showing posts from December, 2017

Pure Verse for Christmas

Wrapping up a 26 blog posts about poetry during 2017, Writers Ink Services is presenting Pure Verse for Christmas. Yes, we take a look at two classic Christmas poems, including "The Night Before Christmas", as well as two that should be classics. And three video clips of classic Christmas songs and movies. Join us!

Seduced by Pure Verse

Pure Verse:  Seduced by Rhythm and Rhyme Over at Writers Ink Services, we're concluding a yearlong examination of poetry craft.  We've looked at "Clocks" and "Counting Stars", "Both Sides Now" and "Tapestry", "First Fig" and "Wildflowers".  We've looked at major poets and songsters who deserve the title "major poet".  And we glanced at Occasional Poems. Christmas is the greatest occasion during the year, and poets of all sorts can't resist writing their own version of a Christmas poem. Herewith are the dangers of Pure Verse that so many wannabies and newbies and hacks fall into while the true poets manage to avoid those pitfalls. We finish up this blog with Sara Teasdale (true poet!) and her "Christmas Carol".  You'll like it, I know.  You may even want to make it one of your Christmas traditions. Flip it ::  click here to read  this blog. Only one more blog for the year...

M.A. Lee's A Game of Hearts has a new cover!

Another new cover for M.A. Lee:  this time for A Game of Hearts . Purchase here!