
Showing posts from November, 2017

Poetry : Major Methods 2B of 3, Blank Verse

Blank Verse:   Old Masters and New Remember, we’re examining the poems using MMO:  Means, Methods, Opportunity (Aristotle’s Kairos ).  This time we won’t have three different forms to analyze.  Blank Verse only has one form. On tap we have the Old Masters, Shakespeare and Cowper, and the New Masters, Frost and Stevens. Flip to the link below to read the blog: poetry-major-met…-blank-verse-mmo /

Dream a Deadly Dream

A new book by my friend Remi Black, the second in her Enclave series. Dream a Deadly Dream Assassination.  A fugitive comtesse.  A lethal sleep-spell.  Wyre and wraiths.  Wizardry against sorcery.  And regicide. In Dream a Deadly Dream , a sorcerous plot to kill the king weaves together past and present, dream and reality, to create a nightmare that can kill. For three years Cherai, the comtesse MuirĂ©e, has hidden from the conspirators who assassinated her father.  Now, in the weeping season, a sorcerer has woven a lethal sleep-snare to entrap her.  Although she doesn’t know it, she holds the key to the conspirators’ chance to seize the throne of Vaermonde, a chance thwarted when they killed her father too quickly.  The poisoned nightmares sent by the sorcerer will compel Cherai to turn herself over to her father’s murderers. Only a chance-met wizard can free her from the sorcerous sleep-spell. The exiled wizard Alstera wander...

Intimidate the Intimidators

Blank Verse Poets who want to appear “intellectual” (cue the snobbish accent) will use Blank Verse. See, I’m already limiting my readers who are turning off because I’m using the jargon of educational poetry. “**” Okay, first, let me talk about “professors” and “educators” of higher content learning.  (I am using “**” here so you will know I am being sarcastic about these terms.  These people aren’t teachers.  Sorry, back to my point.) These people run the Advanced Placement level courses in high school and many of the higher level college & university courses (for several years, as an adjunct professor, I had to bow to their strictures).  Some of these “people”—not all of them—act as if the knowledge they have is arcane, open to only the privileged few.  They want to keep their content secret.  They present the information in dribs and drabs wrapped around by multiple distractors, so that only a special few will understand it. Grrr.  T...

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