Free Verse: Jazz on Steroids
Free Verse is like Jazz on Steroids. What is Jazz? Well, here's a sample of the best: Ella Fitzgerald riffing with "Blue Skies" The key to jazz is to present the melody then go everywhere else in play. Like Dave Brubeck's "Take Fire", giving each musician an opportunity: Equal Opportunity Music Free Verse does that. It presumes the reader is familiar with regular poetry (Pure Verse), so it begins its riff immediately. I like Free Verse more than the other two methods: Pure and Blank. The best (think e.e.cummings) is highly experimental and an intellectual challenge to work out. It's Pure Verse that we encounter most often. You know, those songs that rhyme. Rhyme helps us remember. Blank Verse is the most "intellectual" (said with rounded snobbish tones). Free Verse is experimental. People have a tendency to think Free Verse is simple; it's not. Believe me, it is certainly FAR from easy. It's actual...