Occasion: Independence Day

Free-wheeling behavior. What I want, when I want, how I want. Places to see, people to do, things to go**. [Yes, I know ;)] Is this independence? Not quite. Let’s try “Self Reliance”, an early idea on what the USofA should be. A pride in viewing everyone the same because we are the same. A willingness to stand up and be counted when it matters. Is this independence? Closer. Independence Day On the 4 th of July America celebrates its beginnings and all the best that this country comes together to be. Yes, we have problems; who doesn’t? We’re working on them. (Are you working on yours? Good. Haven’t got any? Self-analysis is wisdom.) For Independence Day, I’ve gathered four poems that meet the requirements of the occasion: a wide-range of poetry, and the last one not even considered a poem by the majority. In looking at these four poems, we can see directions for our own attempts to cele...