Occasion: Patriotism

Memorial Day and Flag Day are commemorative occasions just ripe for a poet. While many are addicted to Open Mic nights, these public ceremonies will stretch any writer’s abilities. The 5/5 blog presents the 2 Chief Reasons to write and perform occasional poetry: 1] adhere to audience requirements. 2] keep to the 4 Requirements of Song. Now let me add a 3 rd : 3] manipulate structure to stand out. Poets who do so can provide copies of their poems to participants. It’s like free publicity. “All politics is local”, 1930s newspapermen said, and word-of-mouth is the best marketing. Also in the 5/5 blog, is a brief contrast of the inaugural poems of Maya Angelou and Robert Frost. She gives us a poem as sprawling as American cities while Frost’s “The Gift Outright” is tightly focused and structured. For the audience, this is the difference between a 30-minute speech and a 5-minute one. It’s the Gettysburg Address that we know and love, not the...